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The Beginning of the Journey

In March 2009, Westley came back from a run limping. Hm.. Odd. But we didn’t think much of it until the 2nd or 3rd time he did it, just past it off as him being a bit older, 5 isn’t a spring chicken anymore, maybe he just wasn’t up for several miles all at once. And while I still didn’t feel like things were totally well, I didn’t think too much of it. Time passed quickly (doesn’t it always), and while he would limp, just a little, barely noticeable, but there, after running or extended hard play, it just didn’t set off the alarm bells it should have. After he got his summer-time short haircut in June, I realized something truly was wrong. His left shoulder blade was totally exposed. Just a giant rib of bone. He was still only limping when very tired, but still, the gait was a little off when you looked closely. A trip to the vet was quickly scheduled.

X-rays, blood work, everything said this should be a normal, healthy dog, except for the dramatic atrophy of the muscles above and below the shoulder blade on his left front leg.

Lucky for us, we live near the University of Florida, with its wonderful Small Animal Hospital.

The neurologists looked, poked, prodded, hmm’d and haw’d.. “It doesn’t seeeeeem to be neurological,” perhaps it’s orthopedic. So the orthopedists looked, poked, prodded, twisted and turned. “Nope, not orthopedic”, back to the neurologists. “Let’s run some tests!”  While it’s nice when the docs don’t have any other clients and can spend time on your pet, 3 hours in the MRI machine is a bit much. Even with the man who wrote the textbook on small animal MRI pouring over it, they still couldn’t figure out what’s wrong with him. It was a little frustrating.  They also sent electric pulses through his muscles to see if they were getting signal, which showed some abnormalities.

So after several days of testing, we came up with: A very nice dog, who may have sustained some serious trauma, that no one noticed at the time. Or, there is a really small possibility it could be this really rare type of tumor that we can’t see any evidence of. But it’s probably trauma. He’ll limp, it may get a little worse with more atrophy, but that’s to be expected because of the trauma.

Fast forward from June/July to November. Yes, the limping is more pronounced, and he may be losing a bit more muscle tone. The decline becomes more evident. While still operating on the trauma theory, we visit the acupuncturist several times along with adding in herbal therapies with no success.

Once we hit Christmas, he’s depressed and sleeping a lot, activity is down, and the happy, goofy, joyful dog takes more and more to smile. Appetite begins to fade by March. In April, it seems my regular vet is tired of my anxiety and paranoia and is not able to see past the trauma theory to hear me when I say things are too bad to be just trauma and orthopedic compensation. Anti-inflammatory drugs don’t help and kill the appetite further. Most of the muscle is gone from the entire shoulder and most of the leg. He’s just using it as a crutch. I need a second opinion.

Second opinion says what I knew I needed to do anyway. Go back to the vet school, or see a neurologist in Jax.

Back to the vet school at the beginning of May. More MRI, but no one is in town to read them. All the radiologists are in Hawaii for a wedding. Results look normal, but we’ll have to wait for final until they get back. The radiologists see “a small abnormality,” can’t really tell what it is, just a little something strange. Check with surgical oncology.

(One of the pluses and minuses of the vet school is that everyone is an expert and they’re all in the same building.)

Surgical oncology takes a look at it all, and says while they can’t be sure, they think it might be a tumor and will need to remove the leg even to get to where they think it might be.

After working through a lot of emotions, looking hard at the budget, and coming across this website, we decide to do it. He’s obviously hurting and the pain meds aren’t helping. He’s not using it much anyway, the one bony leg hanging there and the beefy one opposite are in stark contrast.

The surgery goes well. What they could barely see as “a slight abnormality” on the MRI is in reality a peripheral nerve sheath tumor which has taken over both nerve roots innervating his leg. Discolored, strangely textured, and everywhere. They go right up to the edge of the vertebrae and hope they got enough above it to get clean margins.

Tripawd status achieved: Thursday, May 27th, 2010.

I found the numerous photos of post-op dogs helpful. Compared to some, Westley’s amputation site is rather simple. Just a straight line from the top to bottom.

He came home on Saturday morning, and was doing well considering. Not a lot of food was appealing (and this from a dog who would eat anything and everything), but he’d eat some. Drinking was normal. I slept on the couch near his crate so the hop to the door was shorter if we needed to go out. He did. There was also a lot of panting and standing around unable to find a comfortable position laying down. Sunday continued much the same.

Monday what little he had been eating slacked off. The extra fluid he was carrying around started to move its way into his remaining front leg/paw. Made standing up that much more uncomfortable. Ice packs and compressing the fluid out of the leg while elevated would reduce the swelling temporarily. Recommended taking him off the Rimadyl on Monday due to lax appetite (and we already knew Deramax causes GI upset).

Tuesday, he would eat nothing, and minimal water intake. Gigantic paw swelling every time he was upright caused problems.

Wednesday I was forcing water in him by syringe.  We went back to the vet school. Blood work was still all normal for a post-op kinda guy, no bloat, nothing abnormal.  Diagnosis: just wait. Half a scrambled egg consumed. Night was rough due to whining/moaning with every breath.

Still nothing Thursday morning. More scrambled egg offered, but declined. After looking through the forums here, it seemed that most of what I was seeing, lack of appetite, lethargy, staring into space, panting, restlessness, could just as easily been the Trimadol he was still on rather than the pain. Last dose given: early Thursday.  By evening he decided to eat part of a hamburger paddy. Not much but still more than nothing.

Friday he started to wake up. He was willing to eat some hard-boiled egg, and seemed more aware of what was going on. By Friday evening, he was engaged and much more interested in eating people food and drinking a little water.

Saturday was great. My boy was finally starting to be himself again, after months of pain and limping, he wanted to follow me around the house, be petted, and beg food from anyone and everyone. Still only interested in people food, but even so! Score! Whatever you want so long as it’s something! I was prepared for the two weeks of hell I’d heard was common. But I lucked out so far. Only one week, and then he’s back to his smiling, flirty, self.

Sunday continued the improving streak. Breakfast saw him eating (wet) dog food out of his bowl! and licking it clean! (We were doing celebratory dances around the house). Repeated for dinnertime.

The joy continues until the pathology report comes back in on Tuesday. Dirty margins…. Malignant, dirty margins. They didn’t get it all. It’s in the spinal column.

It’s hard to keep the upbeat encouraging pack-leader routine up when all I want to do is cry.

Today we had the sutures removed and talked over the options.

Not sure what we’ll end up deciding to do yet….

Did I mention the punch line yet? The undercurrent to everything going on right now, is that while I’m struggling with my beloved Westley being in pain and needing surgery and having to make hard life and death choices……

I’m getting married next week.

I wasn’t sure he was going to make it, but with amputation taking away all the nasty pain, it looks like he’ll make it to the ceremony after all. 🙂

I am blessed not only to have a supportive family (who sometimes it seems is more fond of Westley than of me), but to be marrying a wonderful man who understands how important my dog is to me. He’s not my formerly-four-legged fur-kid for nothing. 🙂

I’m trying to stay in the zen zone where I can live in the happy moment of a quick recovery from amputation and continue taking care of all those wedding details that I’ve been putting off while dealing with so many “real life” struggles.

It’s been a roller coaster. I just need to keep focused on the high-points.

P.S. While I know it’s crass, it’s been plaguing my mind… Just how does one pay for expensive treatments? Surgery wiped me out, and follow up seems like a mountain. Should we go sit on a street corner with a tin cup? Suggestions?

8 Responses to “The Beginning of the Journey”

  1. etgayle says:

    wow, what a roller coaster!! congrats on the upcoming nuptuals..wonderful that westley will be attending (keep him away from the champagne – drunken tripawds are not allways attractive). as for paying for the treatments – you are on the button, it’s expensive. we have tried to go by the ‘anything for our gayle’ mantra, but anything is very expensive. so far, so good. i suggest this… put a really cute bag or bucket around westley’s neck, with a little sign saying “collecting for the honeymoon or chemo…which ever comes first” and see what you can wrestle from the wedding crowd. sounds like he’s a charmer. if he mingles with the family/friends…he could rake it in….

    welcome to the community, we want pictures!!

    charon & gayle

  2. Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    Oh my. What a long and painful and anxious journey this has been for you and Westley; and then to get the news you SO weren’t hoping for. You can be a strong pack leader, I think, and cry sometimes too (in the shower works well). How utterly awful this has been for you and Westley.

    Wow, it took them a long time to finally come to any kind of diagnosis. I know medicine isn’t an exact science, but this is such a recurring story.

    AND you’re getting married too – congratulations! – but what a plateful of stress you have had. Wedding preparations are enough to drain the stuffing out of a person.

    And then of course there are the expenses. I still catch my breath and get squeamish when I look at the bottom line on the accumulated vet statements for Catie since last November when sporadic limping became chronic. Are there any kind of canine cancer grants/bursaries/foundations you can apply to for financial aid for treatment?

    I know how devastating all this is and what a roller coaster you’ve obviously been on, but you’re doing exactly the right thing in trying to stay in that zen zone of positive thoughts. Hang in there, both of you. And remember, whatever you decide is the right decision.

    Sending many, many warm wishes,


  3. admin says:

    Wow, great post, thanks for sharing. Sounds like you have your hands full. Congratulations on the pending nuptials! You might want to see if your vet accepts Care Credit and look into that. Finally, if you haven’t already, be sure to bookmark Jerry’s recent Required Reading List which is full of tips, advice and support.

    PS: By setting your privacy options as you have to block search engines, your posts will not appear in the Recent Posts widget found throughout the Tripawds website.

  4. maggie says:

    Wow….have you two been through the ringer…I agree with Carmen – taking so long to get a diagnosis…wow…and with all those vets in one place… Reading your blog was oh so, similar to my dog’s case on taking so long to get a correct diagnosis.

    I’m soooooooooooo sorry for you and Westley and the margins not being clean and in his spine.

    As for costs, I had to put Maggie’s amputation on Care Credit…no interest for a year. Thank DoG…wouldn’t have been able to do it otherwise.

    It’s wonderful that Westley will be there for your wedding!!! And pain free from that awful atrophied leg of his. Vets amaze me…gawd…makes me angry for you on it taking so long to get a diagnosis….

    Keep us updated and yes, pictures please 🙂

    Hugs to you and Westley..

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  5. Daisy says:

    Thanks for sharing your roller coaster of a story. Being new to Tripawds myself, I appreciate getting in on the “start” of your journey, and I feel for you and the stress you’ve been under. I hope it helps a little bit to know that you are not alone.

    On a happier note, congratulations on your impending nuptials!

    You’ll be in my prayers.

  6. jerry says:

    Oh my gosh, you’ve been through so much. But Westley is a rock, and he is, and will continue to, teach you so much about handling life’s hard times. You and he are a team and all that matters is that you’re both here today, loving life and enjoying eachother’s company.

    The worst thing about cancer is, it sucks. The best thing is that it really teaches you about appreciating the incredible gift called life. We never expected to learn that lesson from such a terrible disease, but that’s what it does.

    Hang in there and know you have a whole community here to lean on.

    And of course, many, many congrats for your big day. We can’t wait to see the wedding pics!

  7. Spirit Jerry says:

    Oh, I wanted to add that some people have paid for care by having fundraisers like yard sales, golfing, etc.. That’s one idea.

    Another is, don’t beat yourself up if you can’t afford to do all the things you wish you could. Humans could never do “enough” for their beloved pups. Do what you can and do what won’t take away from the time you have together. That’s all that matters.

  8. Leslie says:

    Such a wonderful and heart breaking story all at once. Your family is in our prayers.

    I’m not sure what your thoughts are on treatments, but I saw your concern for cash flow (which we all have) and thought I would share my experience with you. I, along with a couple other pawrents on here, chose to go the homeopathic route. Roxy was diagnosed with grade III Mast Cell, which doesn’t have a great prognosis, and she was very depressed after her amputation. After starting the homeopathic treatment she has done a complete 180, she has tons of energy, and three months later is still with us. Her coat is the shiniest and fullest it has ever been also (she was a very neglected stray). And the treatment is so much cheaper than conventional treatments. If you are curious and want more info on it feel free to email me. I don’t want to bore everyone with details in a long comment.

    Leslie, Roxy’s Mom

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